The Jobs and Skills Exchange (JSE) Recruitment Policy provides:
'To assist business continuity and help build capability across the VPS, the following employees are eligible to apply for jobs through the JSE for 9 months after their employment with the VPS:
1. redeployees who leave the VPS on and after 31 March 2022; and
2. fixed term employees whose contracts end on and after 31 March 2022.'
It should be noted:
Some VPS employees will no longer be able to access the JSE once they leave their VPS employment (though they can complete any recruitment processes that were commenced during their VPS employment).
For example, employees who resign from their role are not entitled to access the JSE.
Fixed term employees – 9 months extended access:
Employees whose fixed term contracts end on or after 31 March 2022 are eligible for 9 months access to the JSE from the date that their employment with the VPS ceases.
Fixed term employees who resign prior to the nominal expiry date of the contract are not eligible for 9 months JSE access.
Ongoing employees – 9 months extended access for redeployees:
Surplus employees who are not redeployed to another ongoing role by the end of their redeployment period are entitled to 9 months access to the JSE after they leave the VPS.
Employees who resign from an ongoing contract of employment, and redeployees who do not participate in the redeployment process, are not eligible for 9 months JSE access.
Former participants of defined employment pathway programs and internships (in the VPS and Victorian public entities) are eligible to access the JSE during their program and for 12 months after their program finishes:
Youth Employment Scheme
Any Aboriginal internship program
Any internship program for people with disability
Any internship program for refugees and asylum seekers.